I continue to record episodes for my podcast, Gregg Wallace - A Piece of Cake. I’ve met some fabulous people. Really clever people with great insight into healthy living. Have a listen, tell me what you think.
I had a fabulous lunch at the Savoy Grill, some Sashimi, shared Beef Wellington, oh and a couple of glasses of red wine. I had lunch with Nicola Moore. She is a very talented nutritional therapist and writes for GreggWallace.health.
I also had a pot of tea with a doctor who works as a GP, but actually specialises in Sleep. Her name is Dr Zoe. I’d like to partner with her so that we can share her wonderful work on the GreggWallace.health website.
Saturday saw me up in Edinburgh for the Scotland/England rugby match. Didn’t quite go to plan, Scotland won again. I did however have a fabulous time. I think Edinburgh is a fine city.