I often get asked by people to recommend restaurants in London. It’s very often the same question – where is really good but not expensive?
I was lucky this week to visit two places that fit that bill perfectly. One of them a place I’ve been going to for years, the other one only two months old: the Guinea Grill and the newly opened Café Françoise.
The Guinea Grill is in The Guinea Pub, in a little lane off Barkley Square. It does great pies and puddings, very good steaks and it’s all in the setting of a very old pub. You can even order the pies at the bar to have with your pint.
Café François is newly opened in London borough market. It’s open all day from breakfast till night time and just does lovely old French Classics. Frogs legs, snails, sausages, rotisseries and lots of wines by the glass.
There you have it – two favourites of mine that do classic dishes, are buzzing and good fun, and not expensive.